We fight a long time to claim our identities. Sometimes serious evolution happens within us because something like divorce happens where you finally have the courage to say, "I want more" out loud. Only your statement is heard in volumes far louder than expected and why? Because you finally say screw it! You follow your dreams. You realize you are capable of anything. Nothing left to lose and when you look at your daughter and see that joy in her eyes because you're her mom --- the fight to succeed is well worth it. I won't be the mother that neglects my child while I pound the pavement because in truth, she's the reason I will succeed. She's the reason I wake up with a smile every single day. She's the reason I close my eyes at night and dream. SHE is why finally doing what I have always wanted is possible. No point in sitting on the sidelines watching everyone takes life by the balls. No, not me. I'm going to be the one holding the reigns. Yep. Me. Hold on because here I come...
