So while I tend to talk a lot about emotion and "feelings" and our own personal betterment, I would like to take a moment to complain and make personal attacks against our friggin' government. In a world that seems to be belly-up, it seems the economy in this country is right on board. The job market, the housing market, the continual demise brought on by health insurance companies. Health insurance companies just raping individuals with more increased rates, less plan options, more fine print. Better hope to god you don't have to go to the doctor for anything! Like me. Unfortunately, my uterus is crowded with cysts and fibroids and signs of potential cancerous cells and I can't even go to my OB with confidence. Amidst my own personal growth and emotional stagger, I still believed pretty heavily in my health plan. Until I realized what a complete crock individual plans are. (This is a moment where being married was almost worth it just to have better health insurance. I could go to the doctor whenever I wanted, there were few rules - sheesh, and I once complained about having to spend money covering 20% of out-of-network visits. Ahh, now that seems like a dream come true.) So how to resolve this. Write. My next step is to get signed by WME2, which I'm working tediously towards, get that picture deal, work on the 2nd screenplay-for-hire, and go through the WGA for medical insurance. At least it's better than the crap I have now! And I have great individual insurance. Well, great considering there are NO other tangible options!
I am in so much pain, seriously feverish, knowing my body well enough to know something is very wrong but I cannot even fathom flippin' the medical insurance bill. It's insane. $4000 a year for what. Seriously. What the hell are you doing with my money, especially when you consider my deductibles, having no pre-existing condition, etc. At least my child is covered under her dad's health plan. One small miracle in the midst of the medical woes. I wonder when someone is going to force a change. Sure as hell ain't going to be Obama! Not that vagina-Palin will give two sh**ts either. I'd like a party reform. One that remembers who it governs ... human beings. And, uh, we're kind of fed up with the direction of leadership. No viable candidates, no viable options in terms of alternative health care. What the hell do we do?
Oh yes, that's right. I pay my $1000 deductible, I pay the 25% of the negotiated rate AFTER my $50 co-pay and I go home and hope to god I don't have cancer because f----. Then I'd just pull a "Big C" and opt out of not doing it. I wouldn't go through with treatment because I really don't want to bankrupt my daughter so I can have healthcare! So here's to hoping I'm perfectly fine and just being financially raped by the bastards running the Healthcare monopoly.