Goddamn I love Glee. Yes. Love. If I could just give up on my quest for love for a while and watch Glee, well, I am. Forget all this craziness. I'm in for Glee. That's the plan. Pathetic? No way. Do you know how nice it is to have a show that you flip on and everything, and I mean everything, doesn't even matter for an hour. I sing, I dance, I smile. I mean, smile from my gut and I am SO grateful. Since the very first episode I have been hooked. Yes, I realize the entire lot of Americans are pretty much on board with this but this show is such a feel good show. So, you know what, I'm so incredibly grateful to you Gleekers out there.
I sincerely love. LOVE this show. I'm adding a link to the latest song that just made me smile because if life isn't about the tiny little pockets of smiles, I'm not sure what is. Aside from my little girl that makes me smile all through my own personal stuff, Glee is back. And that means so are the smiles, joy, topics that SHOULD be discussed, some truth, and a little dose of Sue Sylvester and Will Shuster. Ahh its good to be distracted....