Jun 29, 2010

Be naked and free...

post by dawn garcia |

“If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is compromise.”

All too often we get caught up in living or drama or the "things" that happen "to" us. What we tend to forget is there really is a reason for everything. Sometimes our lives take a turn for the worst and we are overcome with grief or loss or failure (feelings of failure) but all of that is because of one tiny thing we often overlook: choice. Every second of every day we make choices. Choices that can benefit us and choices that can hurt us. I've done it. Hell, we've all done it but at some point we have to be willing to grow up and act --- like adults. There is one innate truth and that is that we are all connected. A part of one species. Some of us are lost, some of us are silent. Some of us are strong. Some of us are successful. Some of us are defeated. Some of us are burdened. Some of us are afraid. Some of us are morally burdened or completely confused. Regardless of where you're at, you have the choices to make life better. More beautiful. More alive.  Through the simple task of loving and embracing and choosing NOT to subscribe to hate or segregation, to be good to one another and see justice unfold. Every single second of our lives is spent compromising a bit of who we are. I'm not suggesting doing anything that goes against nature or harms another human being or living being. What I am suggesting is that rather than compromising or convincing yourself you can be someone or something you are not, just create a way to be the best "you" there is. If you are struggling with loss, don't run from it, face it head on. Running only lets you go so far before you have to come back to where you started. If you are avoiding heartbreak - you cannot avoid it forever. Eventually you have to experience it so your heart will mend itself and realize it's core purpose and then be ready to recognize it's match. When love rips you apart or breaks you down, that isn't love - that is fabrication disguised as benevolence. If you are chasing your tail, try changing your direction --- perhaps you've been staring at your "ass" for far too long. If you are seeking solace, do not be shamed into anything. Don't allow yourself to be so vulnerable that you ignore that pang inside of your chest or that churning in your gut. In the end, that feeling is always right...

We live in a world where horrible and unspeakable things happen. Children are violated, women are raped, human beings are murdered. Some in the name of chaos. Some in the name of war. Some in the name of politics and all too many in the name of religion or race. It's very easy to jump on board and claim that we were "taught" one way or another so we don't appear to go against the grain but in theory, that is only valid to those who are too cowardice to accept their own independence or free will.  Never get sucked into the vortex of "why me" because in the moments when we ask, "why does this happen", what we don't realize is how truly wonderful and changed we will be when its over. In order to love, we have to break. In order to embrace the world, you have to see yours crumble. In order to be free, you have to first be imprisoned. Be brave and strong and love. I promise it is well worth it...

The only  harm in embracing life and creating a more beautiful one is you might just create a wave of positivity and well, I've seen far scarier things happen and - if I'm going to continue to bare my soul to you - may I just say that I'd much rather you be naked and free than bound by the shackles of a world that is better than it allows itself to be.

