I love the smell of napalm in the morning. Well, ok, you got me. I'd much rather smell incense, fresh berries with mint, and freshly brewed coffee but it seems cool to say the other one. So this week I had an adventure of extraordinary proportions. I had fun. I laughed. I loved. I drank. I skipped. I jumped. I got dressed up. I ate. I played. I wrote. I LIVED!
Let me tell you guys something: life is pretty amazing. I've seen the darkness and the beauty and ya know, thank god my vision can be swayed. No matter how hard I've been hit, I use my claws to get back out and just envelop the beauty that does still exist and in truth, its in plenty if you just look close enough. Turns out, it could be right next door! Anyway, let's move on to bigger things. I have a challenge I need you to partake in. Ready???
Tell me the Top 3-10 things you'd like to see on ANY restaurant menu: Aaaaaaaaaaaand GO!
1. I'd like to see Justin wine on it. Isosceles, Justification, and Obtuse.