May 17, 2010

I need to breathe...

post by dawn garcia |

Last night in the midst of what should have been a relaxing Sunday, too much sweltered in my brain and I took a detour to the beach. The calm of the sound of crashing waves, a vacant shore, and the possibility that beauty and life exists in everything was enough to beckon me. I spent the weekend chasing my tail and realizing way too many harsh realities. So now what do I do? I find a way to locate the simple hum of the ocean and remember that it's not too far away. 

But as I sat there on the moistened sand, my body becoming colder as the brisk air crept in, I looked out onto that horizon and felt a little peace in an all too chaotic period of my life. I know everything happens for a reason and while I am seriously hanging on to very fragile thread of hope, I will keep reminding myself that there is more promise than farce. I have so much to do and so much to focus on, these hiccups that feel like their tearing out my soul will pass and in time I'll see them as character builders. For now, I have to focus because I can't get to the ocean just now...

But the minute I can, I'm going...
and I am going to try my best to get to the one ocean that makes me feel like I can do it all - Howthe, Ireland.
