Apr 23, 2010

Vegas - let's do this.

post by dawn garcia |

Sometimes you have days where you just feel like telling everyone to stop calling and stop texting and stop being so damn consumed with their agenda's and more concerned about living life. But - you can't. Or you can but then everyone - and I do mean - everyone would get all "uppity" and well, it isn't so fun. So here I am. I'm up and it's early and my head is heavy with exhaustion. Even looking at the coffee pot to throw in some much needed caffeine seems like an effort. Insomnia is really not my friend. It's my bedfellow but trust me, if I could kick it out of bed for eating crackers I'd do it in a heartbeat! 

And so the sun peeks its little sunshiny head over the horizon and I have no choice but to greet it with a smile because as overwhelmed as I may be, today I go to Vegas. It's not quite the trip I thought it was going to be but I decided my life is my hands and my level of adventure is something I can control SO I'm having fun. I'm going to see "LOVE". Again. And if I end up going alone - awesome. And if my WT can join me, even more awesome. And I'm going to spend most of today and tomorrow night with my girlfriend but I am going to visit my other friends as well because it seems I depend far too much on others to want to have a good time (assumed when Vegas is involved it's implied) and just let go of responsibility for a couple of days and well, I'm not sure how it will go. They have their reasons and they're warranted. I completely understand but I've let others determine enough as it is. This is my trip too and guess what? I'm definitely going to have a little fun. Now, don't get carried away - I don't mean drunk, skanky and tasteless. I just mean NOT having a perfect schedule, not necessarily knowing what to do every 15 minutes and just enjoying the ride. God knows I need it. So here's to actually having a glass of wine and not worrying about how much I have to get done, eating delicious and incredible fine cuisines, winning a HUGE jackpot, seeing my favorite band of all time by way of Cirque de Soleil, and enjoying time with friends ---- I did mention dancing, right? Good. Because this girl needs to dance. it. out.
