Apr 1, 2010

Holy hell! My precious laptop is back...

post by dawn garcia |

Life without a computer. At first I went into shock. Like heart pounding, holy hell, shock. But then I realized, wait, I can read! I can laugh! I can actually - call people! And then I reminded myself that there is still that good ole standby - a pen and paper. Yes folks, they still make those things. And so now, my happy little MacBook is back with me. My overly excited fingers typing away while my brain dares to catch up since it's been attempting a very scaled down vacation. And I tirelessly consider all of the things I need to accomplish in a single day. Not even today, this month! Ever have one of those days where you wonder how that massive 10-ton tank ended up weighing on your chest? Oh yes, I sure do. And then I realize, right! I cannot fail. I cannot slack. I have to succeed, I have to produce quality work, I cannot waste this talent nor silence these words. I just need to push through it and keep moving forward.

So off I go...

On a side note, allow me to say that if you know a single mother that has managed to make it and turn out a healthy, successful child, tell them thank you because it is one of the hardest things she'll ever have to do in life. It pushes you in ways you never imagined and in the moments when you feel utterly helpless, somehow you find a way through it. I say this because I know. Looking at my child and realizing how hard these times are, I know that I will succeed not because I'm great but because I must. 
