I've had the sudden urge to write much more than in the past. Words continually moving up to the surface in need of release. I think perhaps the need to say so much is because I keep running into to people or issues that seem to ignite my passions for bettering both myself and others. If we fall into the trap that is placed in front of us, we can't possibly move forward. As a mom, I find what matters to me now is very different than before. I have always been an advocate of individual rights and freedoms but I don't know that I really - or rather, fully, understood what that meant. When you have a child somehow that all seems astoundingly clear. My daughter deserves to be left with a much better world than I have. She deserves to live in a country that stands true to its Constitution to give and award rights and freedoms that are not bound by religion of political pressures. I want her to love whomever she wants regardless or race of gender. I want her to get whatever kind of education she feels drawn towards without the insane restriction of tuition and a faulty education system. I want her to be able to pursue whatever career and profession will make her truly happy. I want her to be able to get quality health care without the dictatorship of pharmaceutical companies spewing their greed. I want her to be free to really live life and travel with ease without the constant fear of wars breaking out or hatred spreading its wings. I don't want to worry about sexual predators being let off only to commit multiple offenses more violent each time. I am tired of the so-called war on drugs that target marijuana while alcohol kills more, and god knows the real culprit is far worse that canibus. There are so many issues facing us as a nation and ... ironically, just as I write this the Irvine Police Department issued a warning to stay indoors and lock the doors because of an armed suspect in the area. It doesn't matter how safe of an area we live, if we aren't demanding better, it's never going to happen.
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