Feb 28, 2010

A man that might just save California...

post by dawn garcia |

Forgive the quick nature of this post, I promise to be more concise and in-depth in future posts. I thought this man was worth taking a moment to mention and I have about, oh, 5 minutes before having to work on a project in steep "deadline" mode so - enjoy this and more info will follow.

Had the great pleasure of working on a job with California's possible hope, Attorney General candidate, Chris Kelly. He is SO down to earth and while everyone knows him as one of the men behind Facebook and a multitude of technology advancements, he is really quite a great man with a vision that may just be what we need! Married with a 17-month old son, I found that I was thrilled to meet someone who wasn't - that's right WASN'T - a career politician. He is just a business man and a family man that is tired of watching the state he loves crumble to the ground without a chance of redemption. Well, California I think the cavalry is finally arriving in the form of him. So pay close attention to this man ... he's going to turn this state around!

For the record, this man is no "chump". He graduated from Georgetown University, received his Graduate degree from Yale, and obtained his Law Degree from Harvard. He's a bit of a smarty, and well, it is refreshing to meet someone that seems to genuinely care about the many missteps California has made over the last decade. I think he can help... Stay tuned.
