Aug 29, 2010

Sinkin Soon

post by dawn garcia |

(My chosen soundtrack for this blog: Norah Jones "Sinkin Soon") 

I have written about it time and time again. True Blood is a show that goes so deep into who we are and what we are capable of, there is nothing else like it. I watch it and it is so far beyond vampires and werewolves, fairies, and V. This show explores the true grit and ambivalence prevalent in our lives every day. I think we've all felt that insatiable desire to go primal and let it all go or the need to call bigots and the narrow-minded out on their chosen ignorance but it takes the genius of Allan Ball to give us a voice. While the storyline is enticing all on it's own, it is the depth of which he writes. Even in the opening credits there is a clear message to religious persecutors: God Hates Fangs. We all know what that actually says. I live in a world where I see no boundaries. I don't see gay or straight, black or white, man or woman (ok, maybe, especially when eye catching), but the truth is, good is good and beauty has NOTHING to do with the outer appearance. Sure it may catch our eye but a truly beautiful person is one that reminds you aren't alone. They smile at you and push through adversity. They see the potential in everything. They remind you that you aren't battling society all by your lonesome or that your fight isn't in vain. 

I spend a great deal of time thinking about my purpose, how fortunate I have been, how much loss I've endured, why love continues to evade me, why I just can't seem to get it right. Maybe I'm Jason. Maybe I'm Sam. Maybe I'm Sookie. Maybe I'm Pam (ooh, fingers crossed because then Eric is my maker. And I digress...) I still have no answers but I have one little tiny gift by way of my baby girl and that's gotta be enough to give me courage to face the rest. True Blood is a show that reminds me of what is important. I have to raise my girl to see a world shining in color and overflowing with beauty. This world is extraordinary because of the fact that none of us are the same. Why do we have to strive to make ourselves so boring that we begin to all resemble one another? Embrace the individuality. Embrace who you love. There are some "rules" that break the laws of nature LIKE robbing the innocent or harming a child but people, being gay is NOT one of them. Please get your heads out of your asses. Get over the judgment. Look in the mirror. We all have work to do and wasting our time tearing down someone else is not remotely beneficial to anyone. I vow to teach my daughter love and culture and art and life. I can't weigh her down with more hate or more indifference and I encourage you teach those you love the same. 

A show like True Blood was written not just to make you want to have crazy sex - it was written to remind you that everyone is different. No one is so simple that what's on the surface is all there is to them. People can be capable of horrifying things but they can also be capable of miraculous things. I tend to go with optimism. There are plenty of you willing to see the worst in others. I personally cannot waste a breath on such things. It doesn't serve my heart or my mind or my responsibility to this little love entrusted to me. Go watch the show - dig deep. Get what's its saying. Not only is this brilliant writing, it is truly mind-blowing in its message. We. Have. To. Do. Better. We do not want to be the society that is sinkin' soon and ladies and gents, we're heading that way... 
