You know, in some way or another, we've all been an outcast at some point in our lives. Some of us still are or perhaps we all are. It doesn't matter what it is that separates you from "everyone else", what matters is that you are separate. You are different and unique and so f*n what if they can't embrace who you are. It doesn't matter if you look "acceptable" on the outside if you're suffering on the inside. My point: Don't let the differences deter you from being something phenomenal. There is a movie, a truly remarkable movie that opened my heart so deep, it only brought me to even further understanding. The movie is "Before Night Falls". It tells the story of a truly gifted poet and writer, Reinaldo Arenas, the struggles he encountered as Castro took over Cuba and the total dehumanizing methods in which Reinaldo endured for being a gay man in Cuba. The film follows his life, his brilliance, his heartache, his torture, his triumphs, his failures, his survival, and death which resulted from AIDS. A disease that no one knew enough about to help save him.
We are all different and I solemnly believe that we are born to be who are are. I know some people are uncomfortable with what that means because it's "different" from what they believe but the truth is, what the hell are we doing here is we can't embrace one another's differences? I always think about the things people struggle with - outwardly. I see those STILL uncomfortable with race or gays and lesbians or political affiliation or religious affiliation. The problem is so much time is spent tearing someone else down or devaluing them, we've completely missed the point. We are not here to judge or belittle and if we are, none of us should have ever had children or dared utter the words "love". We are supposed to be here for each other. We are supposed to learn how to live together. That is the great experiment and I hate to break it to you all but we are failing and we are failing miserably. We are all human beings and we really aren't learning a thing, especially if we use "religion" or "politics" or "bigotry" to blur our vision or acceptance of one another. Religion, regardless of who you are was created by man to make sense of our purpose here and unfortunately, that has been grossly abused. Having faith in something is never wrong if you choose to live a certain way, but imposing those beliefs onto another will never be "god-like" or anything of the sort.
Using politics to abuse others is just - well, sadly, it's just political and is probably the reason the entire world is in a global crises. Using your own personal hatred only means you've got some insecurities. No, we don't all have to hug our neighbors or anything but when you tear down another person simply because their belief system or personal lives differ from yours, you are only violating yourself. Not understanding others is like misunderstanding yourself. I'm sure that must sound crazy but in the end, we have to do better. If someone has hurt - and by hurt, I mean actually committed a legal crime that physically or mentally harmed another human being as deemed by a judge - they should be held accountable but those who you just don't understand, don't assume they're wrong.
Please people, if you are taking the time to read this, take the time to be better to one another. Don't just judge. You have no idea what someone is going through... Nothing is what it seems. nothing. Love, friendship, war, peace, family. Everything is a myth and unfortunately we've all gotten so used to our own routine and lives we won't make time for what really matters. It is only when we do that this world will start to turn around and improve.