While I have been so hopeful about California and it's turn of events regarding Prop H8, I became physically sickened when I saw it was being upheld. (Why do I still call it Prop H8? Because when you attempt to strip an individual of civil rights and liberties protected in our Constitution I tend to think your heart is covered in some sort of dark, evil cancer.) First we protested. Then the "mass" public said they liked being bigots and ruled in favor of Proposition H8. Then after over a year in court and appeals, FINALLY the Prop was ruled unconstitutional. And then, just as normal human beings began to breathe a sigh of relief and have pride again, The 9th District ruled against it and it is back in appeals. Thankfully, the appeals process has been sped up and justice might just happen. BUT here's the thing, I have had so many people, generally religious and Republican, tell me to overrule the passing of this piece of legislation is like telling the voters their voice doesn't matter. Aaaaand, that leads me to this:
Um, people, that's what they said about women voting AND African Americans voting, and up until the late 60's ALSO said marrying outside of your race was illegal. Let's think about this for a minute. Just how far do we have to go? How much fear has to be instilled before people realize they CAN actually think for themselves? How deep does hate have to go? The arguments against gay marriage are absurd. It isn't "right". It is "unnatural". Children need a mom and a dad. Let me remind you of the number of "Straight" families that abuse their children, have nannies raise their children, or worse don't even care about their children because their too busy working or having "fun". We're not really in a great position to stand on a soapbox. Even worse I had someone argue that "gays" getting married was like condoning pedophilia and incest. ARE YOU SERIOUS? Two consenting ADULTS in love wanting to marry is now on par with sick f**** that harm children, rob them of their innocence, mar their souls and force them to do things? Or it's on par with toothless Annie's that find inbreeds a better option? Geez, no wonder these big churches and narrow-minded politicians make so much money. Their followers are so blinded and willing to listen to anything, they lost their ability to have rational thinking!
Maybe I am crass and perhaps it's not the normal train of thought of EVERY religious fanatic or political nay-sayer. The thing is, I have to hope my own child grows up in a place where hate isn't as prevalent. Those who believe hate is in our nature must also remember hate requires effort while love requires simply being. We make choices in our lives. We do. We often neglect something or someone but this, Californians, is not ok. We are supposed to be evolved. A gay marriage does NOT impact a straight marriage. And again I go back to the notion that marriage is a legally binding agreement and NOT technically a religious one. You can be married in the eyes of "god" without have documentation. Marriage in the terms as being protested in Proposition H8 is giving rights to couples who marry. Gay or straight. Why is that so incredibly hard to understand and why is that a threat? It isn't.